Pond – Late Spring, Early Summer

Catching up, since last fall.  The Minnows made it through the winter.  They patrol the pond, and are busy breeding under the water lilies – you see ripples coming from the edges of the lily pads.  Haven’t seen a blue gill yet – hmmmm.  Of course, there are frogs, toads, etc.  And flying birds.  And snakes.  And turtles.  And fishing birds – Herons.  The odd duck or two – they never stay.  And beauty.  So much so – I had to take some pics, and put em here.

Charlie says good bye …

Yard and Pond – Late August

Catching up – haven’t posted for a while.  Some pics from Jerie’s gardens and my pond.  In late August.  Been a balmy summer here.  A bit spoiled now.  We are.

The very black eye, of a Black Eyed Susan
The very black eye, of a Black Eyed Susan
Close up to Hens and Chicks
Close up to Hens and Chicks
Hens and Chicks ... AKA Audrey when in bloom.
Hens and Chicks … AKA Audrey when in bloom.
One dark red water lily blossom, reflections abound
One dark red water lily blossom, reflections abound
The dock reflected in the pond - icy clear
The dock reflected in the pond – icy clear
Phrags reflecting on the surface, dock in foreground
Phrags reflecting on the surface, dock in foreground
Jerie knows what these are .. I sure don't. But they are pic-worthy.
Jerie knows what these are .. I sure don’t. But they are pic-worthy.

The whole shebang
The whole shebang
Call these serenity shots
Call these serenity shots
An utterly gorgeous lily, from Jerie's side door garden.
An utterly gorgeous lily, from Jerie’s side door garden.
Blue Gills
Blue Gills
This ...
This …

Return of the Water Lilies

The water lilies I’d planted in spring of 2016 have come back.  They survived the winter.  And the muskrats.

Thanks mainly to our outdoor water lovin muskrat munchin deck cats.

They removed (know what I mean) all of the horrible water lily munchin muskrats early last spring – and have kept them out ever since.

We planted 24 new water lilies this month as well (they’ll show up in force by mid-June) – and will be restocking fish on the 13th of May – Fathead Minnows and Blue Gills.

Pond Sightings – Jerie and I have both spotted plenty of frogs already, herons, two Canadian geese,

1 mallard, various bugs, some dragon flies, the ubiquitous red wing blackbirds (they love reeds and ponds), two water snakes – adult and juvi … and the occasional chocolate lab.

This one eats water lilies.  We’re training him not to do that.

Plus … this dandylion …

Where's Ratty??

Muskrat Damage to the Pond

Ouch … those ratty muskrats!!!

Just one month ago …

One month ago, water lilies untouched ...
One month ago, water lilies untouched …

And now, this …

Water lilies, after one month
No more water lilies, after one month of muskrats

So, I managed to get off one good shot

The Vigil
The Vigil

Just one shot, for many many hours of hunting, sitting still, in a chair, down by the pond.  Had ratty in the crosshairs, pulled the trigger, and he dived.  No blood.  The next day, he or another muskrat, was seen crossing the pond with a mouth full of plant matter.  They are so careful.  Trapping’s the only way – and I haven’t been able to find their hole, this season.  Not yet.  And now, it’s too late to save the pond – but I will eradicate those muskrats, this year, anyway.

First lily pad

First Sightings – Hummingbirds and Water Lilies

pond life
pond life
deck life
deck life
Hummingbird's point of view ...
Hummingbird’s point of view …

Corey spotted a Ruby Throated hummingbird a couple days ago.  I saw my first this morning, while Jerie was feeding the outdoor cats.  The hummer hovered about the feeder, warily watching the cats, one of which was quite curious – and the hummer decided not today.

Later today, I’ll get something to raise that feeder a few more feet from the deck railing.

And yesterday, we saw our first water lily pads.  Took the pic today.  Don’t know if it’s a survivor from last year, or from the ones I planted a few weeks ago.  Two plants pads are still under the water’s surface – should poke up late today.

First Water Lily Visible

First Time This Year – One water lily leaf is visible on the surface.  Two from other plants are visible below the surface.  Tomorrow, should be 3 plants with visible leaves.

No sign of any live muskrats.

The brown coloring in the water showed up again.  Like last spring.

Very wet behind the pond.  It leaks, you know.  From the muskrats.  My my.