Return of the Water Lilies

April 30, 2017 @ 12:22 pm

The water lilies I’d planted in spring of 2016 have come back.  They survived the winter.  And the muskrats.

Thanks mainly to our outdoor water lovin muskrat munchin deck cats.

They removed (know what I mean) all of the horrible water lily munchin muskrats early last spring – and have kept them out ever since.

We planted 24 new water lilies this month as well (they’ll show up in force by mid-June) – and will be restocking fish on the 13th of May – Fathead Minnows and Blue Gills.

Pond Sightings – Jerie and I have both spotted plenty of frogs already, herons, two Canadian geese,

1 mallard, various bugs, some dragon flies, the ubiquitous red wing blackbirds (they love reeds and ponds), two water snakes – adult and juvi … and the occasional chocolate lab.

This one eats water lilies.  We’re training him not to do that.

Plus … this dandylion …

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