Gads – what large frogs …

August 7, 2014 @ 2:12 pm

No pics today – but have to post anyway – saw the largest frogs in my life today – 3″ wide at the mouth.  Monsters – they stay on the far side of the pond – needed binocs to make em out.

And – some varmint’s eating my water lily blossoms.  Saw red leaves in reeds, where there aren’t water lilies – meaning something grabbed the blossom/fruit, took it to other side of pond, and ate it.

Seeds, if they are mature, will survive digestive systems – so – we’ll see.

The varmint?  Well, turtles can eat water lilies, and we have small turtles – but they would not carry a blossom to the reeds and eat it there – I suspect one of our herons – either the Green Heron, or the very large (3′ tall) as yet unidentified heron I see sometimes – they are just so shy.

Author tgreen Category Nature

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